Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Work is following you, wherever you go

When the UK went into lockdown, you were allowed up to 1 hour a day of solo exercise outside. That wasn’t much change for me as I love a 40 minute lunchtime walk at my local mere.

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Breakdown? Breakthrough! - Mental Health Awareness Week

It's always a "something" day, week, or month. National Sausage Day, International Women's Week, UK Walking Month. Right now it's Mental Health Awareness week. It's come just at the right time, while the world is in lockdown during the Covid-19 epidemic.

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Can you be both mindful and productive?

Mindfulness is a hot topic right now, we're all feeling the strain of lockdown to various degrees. Worries over money, health, work, the future. Productivity is also

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Why you won't learn to meditate

How do we cultivate calm, focus, and productivity in these uncertain times. For me, meditation is the key daily habit that bring these benefits

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Listening to music whilst working?

When during the day is it best to listen to music? What type of music should I be listening to? These questions pop into my head quite frequently, so I thought I would face them head on in this post.

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Freedom through restrictions

There's a word that's been popping up in my head again and again this week. And that word is "boundaries". I keep hearing it in conversations. It can be a confusing word to grasp, the fist thing I think of is cricket pitches and their boundaries.

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

A shirt and joggers. The new normal?

It feel very much like the right time to resurrect the blog. The Covid-19 pandemic has left plenty of extra space for thinking and reflection.

Over the last couple of weeks I've been fascinated by how TV and social media videos have adapted to the "new normal".

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Blog gone?

If you are wondering where the blog has gone, don’t fear. It's not dead. The summer got in the way, coupled with the increasing number of sessions i’m running for organisations, along with a further addition of the productivity/wellbeing book i’m writing, that will be released early next year.

I’ll continue with the odd blog post, which will probably involve some word and wonderful ways that productive people design their days. Here’s a good one to start you off…….

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Is Technology Making You Feel Less Human?

Over the last couple of years I’ve been a big fan of Tristan Harris’ work in his Time Well Spent movement over in California. They’ve been lobbying the big tech companies to ask them to design their apps so they are more time giving than time sucking.

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

The "2-Minute Rule" in the workplace

In Getting Things Done (GTD) we have the simplest of productivity enhancing tools. It's called the 2-minute Rule. The process is this, If something can be done in 2 minutes or less it should be done now rather than later.

This could be say an email to read or send, a task to be completed, a thought to be written down, answering a question from a colleague.

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

The robots have arrived to do your work

Last week I was asked by a customer to attend and be involved in their UK Business Excellence forum. Their leaders and experts gathered in one place to present and discuss what is happening in their world of work now and in the future.

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Work Processes to make you more human

I had a great conversation with a customer this week about processes at work. To be more productive, to be efficient and effective, I learned that they use processes like Lean Six Sigma, Genba, Fisbones, the 5 Why's, the 5 S's, Kaizen.

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Want to get a response to your email?

Looking at the title you might think this blog post is for marketers and sales people. For people who want you to buy their product or service.

Yes it could be, but it's really talking to ANYONE who sends an email, hoping to get a response from the recipient. That could be a colleague, boss, supplier, customer, friend, or family member.

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Is paper and pencil better than digital?

Last month I decided to go “off-grid”. Don’t worry I’m not sat in a tent in the woods tapping into a local farmers wi-fi.

This 3-month off-grid experiment is to do with working with paper and pencil rather than my laptop and iphone for some activities.

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Have you booked your own Weekly Review into your Calendar?

Does your week fly by, being busy, doing lots of stuff. Then you get to the end of the week to come up for air, and say "I'm a human, get me out of here!". Then trying to blank work out of your mind the best you can over the weekend

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Not blowing my own trumpet

In music lessons back in High School, we had to choose an instrument to learn. I chose the trumpet. I’m not sure why, maybe it was because my dad loved jazz and the big band sound, or maybe it was because the violin looked really hard to play.

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Getting things done in your Outlook inbox

If you’ve attended my “Become an Inbox Zero Superhero workshop” and got your email inbox down to zero during the session, you know what a great feeling that makes. That of course is a short term high, and if you go back to your old habits, it’ll only be a matter of time before you have to go through the big exercise again.

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Jamie Squires Jamie Squires

Why should we be productive?

It’s a simple question, but not so easy to answer. Why be productive?

It’s not something people naturally sit down and really think about. Our lives are jammed with things to do, and things to achieve, and we work through them the best way we can.

And there lies part of the answer, “the best way we can”.

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