Blog gone?
If you are wondering where the blog has gone, don’t fear. It's not dead. The summer got in the way, coupled with the increasing number of sessions i’m running for organisations, along with a further addition of the productivity/wellbeing book i’m writing, that will be released early next year.
I’ll continue with the odd blog post, which will probably involve some wierd and wonderful ways that productive people design their days. Here’s a good one to start you off…….
Stuart Price is a famous music producer, who works with the likes of Madonna and Pet Shop Boys. He works in the studio with the TV on all day.
Musicians couldn’t understand why he would have something on that looked like a distraction. He would then explain to them that the TV actually helps them to create a song.
He said.. "One of the reasons for it is because it gives you a good structure to the day, and you know by what time certain shows are coming on TV it means that you should be at certain points in the song.
So if the bargain shows are on, it really means you should be settling into the start of your idea and getting something going. Once you're on Countryfile in the afternoon, at that point your song should be good.
If it's not good, you may as well abandon the day. And if you're still there when the Six O'clock News is going on, at that point you should really be in celebration mode, of 'Do we feel good about what we've done today?'
And I sort of feel that if the song doesn’t follow that natural structure of British terrestrial TV programming, then really it hasn’t gone to plan."