Human Dynamo Workshop series

Take mind-friendly productivity to the next level through this practical 3-hour workshop.

You’ll be learning and testing out further concepts, process and tools to boost your productivity, and reduce any stress and friction.

You’ll learn the art of time blocking, and why and how it can be so powerful in your day. Helping your focus, estimation, momentum, and reducing overwhelm and boosting happiness.

You’ll experience a personal Weekly Review/Preview process. Helping you feel a sense of achievement at the end of the week, spot what’s not working, and to be clear and ready for the week ahead. Plus ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks and you feel on top of your work and life.

Duration: 3 Hours

Session Content:

Time Blocking

  • Multitasking Vs Batching tasks

  • Time Blocking Techniques to help keep focus and momentum through the day

  • Improve your estimation by keeping score

  • The power of taking micro-breaks

  • Beating procrastination using the Power Hour


    Building a Weekly Review and Preview

  • Create a personal system so nothing falls through the cracks

  • The power of building a checklist

  • Using the Plus Minus Next model

  • Relax into the weekend, feeling more on top of things

  • Gaining clarity and motivation for the week ahead