Proactive Mental Health. A great mind and great work.
Understanding mental health is seriously affecting my mental health. The irony of everyone now talking about it is that I'm getting overwhelmed.
After 30 years of being affected by stress and anxiety, I'm still unsure what society is defining Mental Health as.
Is it an illness?
Is it something that is either fine or broken?
Are we only interested in fixing it once it breaks down?
Are we more interested in the risks of not being able to function at a normal human level (whatever "normal" means)?
Is it something that we can improve so we don't even get to a problem situation?
What is the value that we could receive from improving the health of our minds to then be of better service to others?
Lots of questions in my head, but these are my present thoughts.
For me in my work, I want to improve the quality and quantity of my output, whilst simultaneously improving my mental health. For this I have to be proactive. Intentional with what I do.
I see that as a win-win situation. I'm producing and hitting goals AND strengthening my mind. Two things that make me feel good.
They are linked. If I'm able to do my best work my mind feels great. If my mind feels great i’m able to do my best work.
Surely this is the holy grail of where we want to be. Hope for the future, and content/happy in the present
There are no negative words used there. Nothing saying that I am broken in any way. Only positive words. Making progress and being centered/balanced.
To help me I've even written down my biggest goal to achieve....
"To be content in this very moment".
It's a continual work in progress.
How do you view mental health? Let me know in the comments.